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Anxiety Treatment for Adults

Tame Your Anxiety & Transform Your Life


I guide you to discover what they didn’t teach you in school or at home about ANXIETY

You don’t have to do it alone. I have a unique philosophy that focuses on you and your needs. As you set intentions for your life, it is my intention to build you a personalized toolbox to allow you to control your own anxiety and reach your life goals.


Learning techniques from not only a professional in the field, but someone who understands anxiety on a personal level will empower you to manage your anxiety throughout your life.

Cognitive Behavioral THerapy (CBT)

CBT is an evidence-based approach to helping you better manage your anxiety.


Learning to focus your awareness on the present moment, while calmly understanding and accepting your thoughts and feelings. 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

ACT helps to teach you to identify your values, become aware of your thoughts, and create shifts in behavior 

Coming from Southern California, my name is Stacey Sciacchitano, and I am an anxiety therapist who will coach you to take control of your anxiety so you can move toward creating your own personal contentment. I would love to empower you with the tools you need to find relief from overwhelming anxiety and focus on what is important to you. 

I understand that Anxiety

  • fills your head with “What ifs.”

  • has your head spinning and feeling overwhelmed.

  • enables your harsh inner critic. 

  • tricks you into feeling like you are not enough or not worthy.

  • keeps you up at night with ruminating thoughts.

  • has you overanalyzing everything in your life.

  • can create tension in your physical body.

  • causes irritability.

  • can cause trouble concentrating.

  • interferes with what you want in your life.

  • can cause difficulties in a relationship.

  • has you feeling stressed most days.


Stacey Therapy in a Nutshell

Through years of experience, training, and psychological and neuroscience interventions, I have created an anxiety busting toolbox crafted to meet you exactly where you are in your journey.  With a focus on acceptance and a safe space to facilitate learning techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation, and setting intentions that are so important when dealing with anxiety. This will result in symptom reduction that will open the path to increased self-awareness so you can catch that anxiety when it is being harsh to you through your thoughts, images, or feelings. When you can recognize the anxiety and address it immediately you will feel empowered and in control of your life. This will allow your inner strength to shine so you reach an important goal/intention, create change, increase your self-confidence, and settle your mind to problem-solve when needed.


I am here as a therapist and coach to guide you on the path to discover your triggers, uncover your inner resources and become more flexible in your perspective of that anxiety so you feel resilient, understand you, and go for what you desire. You are worth it! It is time to invest in you!

Are you ready to create change, develop belief in yourself and implement strategies to manage your anxiety effectively, and even get to the root cause? If so, contact me and lets have a chat to get started. 

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